Paris To Paz
is decided, the plane ticket is taken, I
leave this 23 January for La Paz in Bolivia
I join my two there wire Hydrotrotters.
They had proposed to me to accompany them
during a part of their tour around the world.
Today I am on the aircraft which has just
left Paris. An inopportune strike of the
personnel of track delayed the departure
but what imports, the stopover of Miami
will be shorter. It is the first time that
I cross the ocean, to return to me "to
Americas" as that was said formerly.
The overflight of the ice-barrier in this
winter period is fabulous. I am filled with
wonder by all this immaculate vastness.
Which quasi inexhaustible drinking water
reserve, and statement that there are so
many desert places in the world where men
would need some. Will the problems of fresh
water find one day a solution, thanks to
the reserves of the cap refrigerator of
the two poles?
We pass now close to the coasts of Canada.
I see very well the open mouth of the St.
Lawrence, a little later we fly over New
York under snow. The maritime activity is
intense there in spite of the drift of the
ices which float on the surface of water.
It will almost be necessary to wait to arrive
to Miami to see some more. We land whereas
the sun lies down, which gives to the landscape
orange pink reflections of any beauty. Time
to pass the customs and it makes night.
It is insane what the night fall quickly
under this latitude. Since the incidents
of September 11, the customs formalities
are long, severe controls, therefore not
time to visit the city. The night spent
on the aircraft will be all the more long
as I sleep badly. The day rises finally,
it makes cloudy. The arrival on La Paz is
majestic, the spectacle is imposing. The
snow-covered Andes all close relations are
almost with end of wings. It rained much
and snowed, the ground below us is softened.
There are floods, roads are cut. The immense
ones stretch of water give to the ground
metal reflections. Once the door of the
plane opened, I feel the lack of oxygen
immediately, my heart packs, my breathing
accelerates, I am not the only passenger
to feel this disturbance. The last customs
and in possession of my luggage, I see Geoffroy.
He holds in hand large glass of Coke, that
he presents to me while saying to me: "Hold,
it is good for you", before even saying
to me hello. I drink in an awkward way,
I reverse some a little at side. It is true
that makes me good, I smell itself better.
During our stay in altitude, I will make
a great consumption of it, which is unusual
for me. Loïc, wait it, we close to
the car until it kept. We embrace ourselves,
we are glad to find us all the three.
The airport is on a plate to 4000 m of altitude.
For several years, with the neighbourhoods,
has developed El Alto, miserable suburbs
inhabited by a whole population of more
than 800000 people come from the campaigns.
La Paz is below, towards 3800m of altitude,
and the easy districts, them, are with 3300m.
At this early hour the district of the airport
is crammed of world, circulation is as intense
there as in Paris at the peak hours. We
cross hundreds of minibus, Japanese or Korean
marks, in which pile up to fifteen people.
In this public transport, there are a driver
and his assistance who by the window shouts
the destination, with which wants to hear
it. The omnipresent police force is overflowed.
We thread with great blows of horn in all
this will fatras, to take the end of paying
motorway which goes down towards our hotel.
Everyone hoots, fortunately bus pedestrians
and dogs grouillent in all the directions
without worrying less about the world of
the uninterrupted flood about the bus, trucks
and cars. The difference in altitude finally
enables me to better breathe.
7h of the morning, the commercial ones are
installed on the pavements to sell their
production of wool clothing of spangled,
of alpacas or polar wool. Quality is average,
but all is cheap. The life in Bolivia east
one of the least expensive of South America
Of others are installed straightforwardly
on the street, to sell food, cakes, drinks,
soups. The barges are attroupés around
them and eat at any hour of the day, sitting
on the pavement. As we are in rain season,
their carts are provided with blue a plastic
hood generally, sold with the meter by a
kid who passes from a graver to the other.
The majority of the women are equipped with
their traditional costumes, they have beautiful
black hair, very smooth with long plaits
which their go down in the medium from the
back, gathered by a black ribbon. They wear
a round hat, of type bowler hat of various
colors, a shirt maker, a pullover. Their
skirts at broad successive wheels, all are
based on the same pattern. The unit appears
very puffing out, they must undoubtedly
carry many underskirts, unless there is
not a trick, but I did not go to see...
These dresses are of a large variety of
colors and go down until below the knee.
The legs are sheathed of bottom or of leggings
out of wool such as the dancers carry from
there to the drive in winter on our premises.
They have flat shoes in bad condition, which
proves that their principal means of transport
remains the walking and that the borrowed
ways are not always the best. Traditional
the poncho of the Andean people to the colors
sharp and varied their villages is tied
on their shoulders. These ponchos also helps
them to carry all kinds of things including
their infants.
We meet much carry-burden, sometimes old
men, curved under weights quite higher than
theirs. This heavy work is paid less than
anything, just what to ensure their soups.
In the streets of the poor kids (shoeshiners
of shoes) have the face covered with a black
hood. They beg a cigarette near the tourists
who are not always very pleasant with them.
The first morning, I recover a little voyage,
the hotel is modest. The room is not expensive,
the showers are common. There is if little
water that when one washes the hands other
under its shower does not have water. Hot
water is produced by a resistance which
is fixed right before shower head. I am
frightened by this electric circuit of a
dubious safety. I think of this poor Cloclo,
by saying to me that I would not wish to
have the same fate.
While I sleep, Loïc and Geoffroy update
their Hydrotour site. Before them to see
with work I had not realized of the enormous
work that that required of them. They pass
enormously from time to write, put on page,
to choose the best photographs, to comment
on them, so that the pupils of the schools
and the readers who follow their project
are interested and content.
Our, finally, my first lunch in Bolivia
will be frugal, a pale soup not to be sick
(always altitude), tell me Hydrotrotters.
With the table of with dimensioned, a group
of people wants absolutely to offer a beer
bottle to us. People drink much, men and
women, until vomitting some everywhere,
it is disgusting.
Today Saturday it went there. The streets
are cut in our district. In a merchant of
memories my glance is attracted by the small
ones spangled dried. It is in fact of spangled
fallen through that the Bolivian ones buy
to bury them under the foundations of all
their constructions, to entreat the bad
fate. Saturdays it is also the day of the
marriages just like Sunday. We will see
of it several bus our hotel is opposite
a church. The bride wear a white dress,
the grooms are in black costume. When they
leave the church, their friends throw kilos
of confettis to them which they must keep
on the head longest possible; it is a sign
of longevity of happiness. For one of them,
there was even an Andean orchestra. The
musicians, equipped in black local costume
bordered of money wire had cover-chiefs
one meter in diameter, not very convenient
to carry when there is such an amount of
world, the unit had beautiful pace.
Sunday we went to the mass. There is at
every hour the morning. Our was accompanied
by a choral society, I let myself go to
sing. To the end of the ceremony, individual
blessing, everyone pass in front of the
priest who sprinkles you liberally holy
water. The afternoon we went for a walk
in La Paz, history to know it a little before
carrying on our road towards Peru. The city
is located in an immense basin at the edges
precipice. We go up on the with dimensions
one Is city. We borrow one of the thousands
of staircases of this immense city, where
1 approximately 300 000 people live. It
should be said in passing it capital of
Bolivia is not La Paz, but Sucre. The dwellings
are built without coherent architectural
unit. The structures of the houses are out
of reinforced concrete and red bricks. The
corrugated sheet roofs are chapeautés
of a water tank. Little of them is completed.
They are hung on slopes being able to reach
45%. The city by far appears very red. The
unit is strange, incredible. Some beautiful
monuments are seen. It is for the majority
of the churches or other buildings of Spanish
style. The city is dominated by snow-covered
peaks of more than 5000 m whose Illimani
mountain which culminates to 6480 Mr. C'
is one highest of Latin America, after Aconcagua
6959 m located in Argentina at the border
with Chile.
We leave Monday after midday in direction
the west. The road for Tiwanaku our next
stage passes by El Alto. A road attended
by many trucks and bus (few cars) roll to
open tombs of day like night. I do not count
any more the number of so much crushed dogs
it of A. This friend of the man pays there
a heavy tribute with the road traffic. The
men are not saved either. Along the road
innumerable small sanctuaries with crosses
and flowers are. There is as much as deaths.
Here a vault there three sometimes forty,
it is a bus which fell into the ravine with
all its passengers. It is impressive!
We essuyons on the road a true flood, it
is flooded, the cars hesitate to pass the
current so much is strong. We risk ourselves,
ouf, we passed. We benefit from it to make
some stereotypes (of which a swirl of more
than 1 meter diameter). In the southern
hemisphere the swirls turn contrary to on
our premises. Arrived at Tiwanaku 3900m
(Tiahuanaco) the site of the famous door
of the sun (which inspired Hergé
in Tintin and the temple of the sun). In
this period of the year There are few tourists.
We find an inn or we dine and sleep, we
are only. In the room occupied by Hydrotrotters
there is no switch. To light it is necessary
to put in contact the two electric wire
ends which are with naked. In the same kind,
at Paz an agent of circulation not having
a button to change the dipped headlights
put in contact the red wire with the blue
son or the red wire with the black wire
according to the direction of the desired
traffic. The following day we visit the
famous temple of the sun which is spread
out over several hectares. The area is marshy,
this city précolombienne was fed
out of water by a source being on the neighbouring
mountains with ten kilometers. The site
was not only upset by many earthquakes which
regularly shake the area but also by the
occupation of the Spanish conquistadors.
One hardly, to imagine today that more than
60 000 people lived in this place. The people
précolombiens did not know the theodolite,
which did not prevent them from having the
knowledge pushed in astronomy, mathematics,
hydraulic engineering, architecture and
treatment of metals. With the summer solstice
at midday, several architectural elements
are aligned on the ray of the sun. One finds
this phenomenon with Gisors close to Paris.
We also discover, a bored stone acting as
loudspeaker. Further, the base of a temple
is composed of a stone of more than 120
tons. The origin and the means of transport
of this stone remain still unknown. In one
of the enclosures of the temple, a white
LAMA, fetish of the Indians, graze quietly.
In the museum that we also visit, we replongeons
in the reading of Tintin by seeing the statue
monolith of 30 tons which inspired the Broken
Ear. In other rooms we discover sculptures,
potteries, ceramics, tools, musical instruments,
skeletons and craniums of which some are
in the shape of cigar. This form was obtained
by putting around the head babies, a circle
silver which deformed to them limps it cranial.
That sufferings, to have Knowledge!
After midday, we take the road of Peru while
passing on the edges of the lake Titicaca.
will Désaguadero frontier town, our
car be disinfected by a child with great
blows of pulverizer, against what? Mystery.
Many tricycles (current means of transport)
are met. They encumber the roadway what
makes circulation difficult. Us members
still the lake Titicaca which is bordered
of many farms in cob with sheet roofs corrugated
or covered with curved tiles. The lake is
of any beauty as well as the sky. The colors
are splendid, we stop to take photographs.
The arrival with Puno will be late, the
road is long tiring and dangerous because
of numerous the bus rolling full headlight,
a true nightmare. The port of Puno (3800m
of altitude) dominates the lake Titicaca
(8340 km2 and a maximum depth of more than
467 m). This lake is as large as one the
third of Belgium. It is the most navigable
lake of the world, a true inland sea furrowed
by large boats, with many floating islands
where until the middle of the XXème
century took refuge the Urus Indians. No
the walk on the lake for lack of time, on
the other hand we go up on a headland dominating
the city and the lake, from where we have
a very beautiful point of view. The city
is wedged between lake and mountain with
again much of staircases. It is known as
that the Andean people are the people of
the clouds, one could as say as it is the
people of the staircases. Now Cuzco direction.
We meet many herds of spangled, pigs, asses,
cows kept by children and their mom. The
roadsides are feeling reluctant, everyone
throws, plastic bottles and bags, which
fly in any wind. With leaving a turn we
have again a sight of the lake Titicaca
bordered by a railway which one would believe
posed on water, so much there are floods.
Later in the afternoon we cross plains richer
in grass where graze of the thousands of
cows and of spangled. There are even farms
several thousands of hectares bordered with
far from snow-covered mountains. In Sicuani,
we stop to telephone and give news to our
family remained in France. We cross a collar
located at more than 4500 m. We meet then,
an impressive herd of spangled white of
any beauty. While descending the collar
on the mountainside immense a géoglyphe
modern (Network of lines traced with stones
on the ground), informs us that it there
with thermal springs. A little further we
let us see smoking swimming pools. We bathe,
almost only, with some seminarists come
from the close village, during a good hour.
Water being with more than fifty degrees
to leaving the ground, several channels
of a hundred meters are necessary, before
making it arrive in the swimming pool, at
good temperature. The outside temperature
is close to zero degree, we are with nearly
4300 of altitude. We arrive late in the
night at Cuzco. The Campécina inn
where we place is pleasant clean and held
well, we will remain five nights there.
While leaving one evening whereas we will
dine, the person in charge for the inn intending
to us to speak French, approaches us. It
is a Dominican native of the area of Lille.
It has been here for several the most stripped
years devoting its life to. The inn was
financed thanks to the gifts of the CCFD.
The unit is composed of three patios around
of which articulate themselves, administrative
rooms, buildings and social center. Courses
are exempted there (amongst other things
course of language quechua). Buildings intended
for the sale of regional products for the
tourists are in construction. In more of
this center, this priest occupies himself
of young imprisoned delinquents. We will
re-examine it every evening to speak with
him about various subjects: Problem of the
great poverty in Latin America, theology
of the release, appearances recent of the
sects, rebirth of the luminous path, omnipresence
of the churches American Baptists, misdeed
of alcohol and drug on the Andean populations,
birth control, (500 000 women were sterilized
without their knowledge under the preceding
The town of Cuzco (270 000 hab.), is perched
to 3400 m of altitude, after La Paz that
seems to us quite low, I breathe better.
The INCA city was shaven by Spanish, it
remains only some bases of stone-built houses
of large sizes (including one to thirteen
with dimensions) adjusted without cement.
In 1951 the city was entirely destroyed
by an earthquake and was rebuilt with identical
by its inhabitants with the assistance of
engineers and Spanish loans. It extends
on a splendid site considered as being one
from most beautiful from South America.
The place of Weapons is harmoniously built
with its cathedral, the church of the Society
of Jesus and its shopping malls with colonnades
giving him the aspect of a cloister. Many
streets in the old city are still paved
with round stones. One evening we taste
the local kitchen, for Loïc it is a
hard experiment because its guinea-pig was
not emptied (to give him more taste it appears)...,
with Geoffroy, careful we eat of the LAMA.
Last the afternoon with Cuzco we make shopping,
hat out of leather for Geoffroy, jacket
cut in old a poncho for Loïc. For me,
jewels found in an artist working with much
talent, gold and money. The last morning,
after pantagruelic a breakfast taken in
an old convent transformed into hotel (Monestario),
we take the road for Arequipa.
Once arrived, we find an inn sympathetic
nerve and not expensive but without carpark.
Aïe, the Peruvian fourrière
will cost us 40 dollars. The city (620 000
H) built out of stones of white lava creates
by Pizarro in 1540 is located at 2300 m
of altitude, it is beautiful clean and very
tourist. The climate is particularly lenient
there 300 days of sun per year.
The rise of the Volcano Misti Altitude
5842 M
we had not gone in Machu Picchu meadows
of Cuzco, we decide to climb the Misti volcano.
Appointment is thus taken with a guide for
the following day with 8 a.m. with our hotel.
While going up towards the starting point
we pass in the suburbs of Arequipa which,
in 2001, were partly devastated by an earthquake.
Since this date Misti that we will climb
does not have any more its cap of snow,
the volcano went back in activity. To 3300
m the driver of the taxi 4x4 deposits us.
During the first three hours of rise all
goes well. Stop every half-hour, for drinking
water, crunching a candy. At midday stop
for the snack, the guide does not return
from there, its customers usually do not
eat, we devour the sandwiches which we had
carried. I am very tired, I have the compote
legs. Geoffroy takes my bag because I walk
like a zombi while chewing my sheets of
Coke. The guide opens walk it almost makes
very small strides by trailing the feet.
I am it, Geoffroy is behind me. Several
times it will retain me not to fall into
the vacuum. Loïc closes walk, I hear
it who breathe like an engine, "Breathe
dad well says me it if not you will asphyxiate
yourself". I must now stop more often
because I am exténué. At the
time of a stop, the guide tells me being
assembled with a 80 year old man, that gives
me courage. Towards 15h30 we arrive in the
cloud at the base camp at 4800m. Two Canadian
installed already their tent and rests.
Loïc and Geoffroy assemble the tent
where I will sleep with Loïc, I am
tired so much that it is impossible for
me to help them. Once the assembled tent
I unroll mattress and bag of bed and lengthens
me to rest me. To side the guide and Geoffroy
assemble theirs. It starts to rain, our
tent takes water, our sleeping bags are
wet. We fall asleep a few times. Towards
16h the guide brings a hot soup of Chinese
pastes to us. As it always rains, Loïc
leaves the tent for better laying out it
and not to be soaked more. We exchange few
words so much I am tired. With with dimensions
we hear the guide and Geoffroy to palaver
as if nothing were not. Towards 18h after
the dinner of spaghettis, silence is made,
no noise if it is not the rain and the breath
of the wind. I slip very equipped into my
sleeping bag, while having taken all the
same care to remove my shoes. Loïc
him changes for the night. We try to sleep,
it is not easy at this altitude. Towards
22h the rain ceases, the wind has just changed
direction. The weather is colder. Towards
1 hour of the morning, the Canadians start
get going, our guide him rise and prepare
subdued of Coke and the sandwiches, for
the breakfast. To 2h Canadian left, we will
follow them little while leaving to the
base camp, useless tents and material. Loïc
and Geoffroy take each one a bag, with drinks,
food sweetened, cameras and camera. I do
not carry anything. The weather is nice,
we see with far Arequipa very illuminated
in the content from the valley. The full
moon gives a sufficient gleam to advance,
but the guide advises to me to take the
head light. "It will be more convenient
for you says me it". Us here are parties,
our muscles, although not completely cooled,
are in spite of a little hard. I advance
painfully. Behind me Geoffroy started to
count "one two, one two....."
to help me, I advance like an automat. Loïc
encourages me to breathe like an engine,
the slope becomes escarpée. Several
time my legs is concealed, Geoffroy retains
me. We go up now in the fog, xième
stop. I have the impression to move back
instead of advancing. "One two, one
two... go dad we are to 5200 m still two
Eiffel Towers to be gone up and let us be
there we". I take again courage, the
day rises the ceiling of clouds is higher,
the sight is splendid. With far we let us
see the mountain Picchu Picchu draped in
its white coat of snow. At the moment of
the rising of the sun the weather is colder,
Loïc is frozen, I give him the pullover
which I withdrew so much I were hot. Loïc
and Geoffroy have the cold hands. The gloves
lent by the guide are not good quality.
We always go up, still a tower Eiffel, we
advance slowly. To encourage me Geoffroy
says me to see the Cross which is at the
top, but it appears to me still far. Us
here soon on the edge low of the volcano,
the Canadians return already from the top.
They wish us good courage, the guide their
shows the way of the fastest return. We
see now the bottom of the crater, from the
sulfurous fumeroles escape from it. Our
breathing only becomes more difficult about
it. In spite of altitude there is little
snow. The slope is steep 70 to 80 %. My
badly assured steps cause stone falls, they
descend with great pace and we do not see
them stopping. Provided that there is nobody
below. The guide and Loic are already at
the top. The volcano is of any beauty although
in the clouds, the stones are various colors.
Still some steps and we are in top. The
top of the volcano is very cut out, there
are windows of rocks of several meters,
one would say lace so much there is. The
wind pushes the clouds through these open
holes, of time to other a sunbeam appears.
The phantasmagoria of the colors is such
as one would be believed in a dream. We
are there finally, the guide serves the
hand to us by congratulating us. With Loïc
and Geoffroy we embrace ourselves all the
three lengthily so much we are moved and
content. That efforts, but which reward
after 2542m of uneven. We lower ourselves
on the ground to put back us a little.The
cross-country race is Fite in rails of railroads.
With her feet a virgin with the child out
of clothes of pageantries is enchased in
her ECRIN of glass in front of which a chair
of child is. Tags on the stones neighbourhood
and of the refuses waste this splendid place.
A 5842 m nous nous attendions à mieux.
Quand comprendrons-nous que la planète
terre n'est pas une poubelle ?
Nous ne restons pas longtemps au sommet,
il fait très froid. Geoffroy nous
dit avoir été obligé
tout à l'heure de s'uriner sur les
mains tant elles étaient gelées.
For our return, we borrow a corridor of
volcanic ash with a slope of 70%. We will
run literally, Loïc, Geoffroy and the
guide makes goods of kids. They are now
far in front of me. It is true that this
descent is amusing, but I am tired and at
their rate/rhythm, I cannot go often stop.
They will have almost finished to fold the
tent and the material when I arrive at the
base camp.
We left the top there is 1h30. We set out
again rather quickly after having eaten
the remainder of our provisions, it is 10h30,
it makes always cold. While setting out
again I still note the dirtiness of the
place. We made a dustbin of our refuses,
but could not collect all those of the others,
there was of too much. As soon as we left,
a mouse or a rat points its nose of behind
a stone to eat some reliefs of food. I wonder
how it arrived so high. It is the only animal
which we met in all our rise. Still a 1h30
is we find our driver. Towards the end of
our descent our guide shows us the prints
of an animal of which he tells us being
those of a puma (shivers). At 12.30 pm we
are back to hotel, we cross there two young
people who have just made the rise of the
Mount Chachani (6075m), they are exhausted,
they did not sleep of the night, they have
the impression that them head will burst
so much they have badly. We are in a dirty
state, but without the cranium evil, and
finally we are quite content not to have
done that one. Our landlord offers glass
to us of subdued of Coke and explains us
that the agencies are not always very serious,
because to touch their commissions on the
races in mountains they indicate to the
customers that they are easy. But in fact,
well few people go until the end. As for
the material, to listen to them, it is enough
to be in tennis shoes and town clotheses.
We paid to see like says it the maxim. Loïc
and Geoffroy did not have good gloves, and
not of hot trousers. Conclusion, in high
altitude, even in summer in the Tropics,
it can make very cold, we will know it the
next time. Tomorrow we will take the road
of Chile. After so much of tirednesses and
a good dinner (meat of alpaca) the night
was very good.
We leave Arequipa. At the time of our rise
I had seen in direction of the West, of
the white mountains which approximately
did not appear very high 1500 with 2000m
to me, I believed that it was snow, in fact
of snow it is white sand. The weather is
increasingly hot and the landscape becomes
completely desert. Along the road, there
are always as many tags, refuse of all kinds,
small crosses on their sanctuary. We cross
few cars and some large trucks on the road.
The wind blows raising sand in worrying
swirls. From Egypt and Chile, Hydrotrotters
did not have such an arid and dry climate.
With leaving a village, we see an enormous
penitentiary called here "house of
reconditioning social". One does not
dare to think of the temperature which it
must make in the cells because the thermometer
indicates 40°. We do not see anybody,
except guards in their watchtowers. The
landscape around is lunar. Our road will
be long, we have little water, we will be
thirsty a long time. Tomorrow we will try
to be more far-sighted. We start a slope
of 25 kilometer which will carry out us
on plate always such a desert, we will make
forty kilometers there then descent, of
25 kilometers to arrive in a narrow valley
where a thin river runs. Water = life. We
find a village surrounded of green fields,
where feed of the animals, one finds there
also cultures of corn, fruit trees and of
vine. With the entry of certain villages
of medical controls are carried out. "To
preserve the cultures of the contamination
of a fly" us are said. In this desert,
every approximately hundred kilometers,
we meet inns. For the lunch, we benefit
from it to level us roasted shrimps and
squids. In the medium of after midday, we
cross Neblina a small city in full desert
where is an enormous barracks of armoured
tanks and missiles. The camp is surrounded
of a high wall with unoccupied watchtowers.
At the exit of the small city, on a side
of the road the desert, other of immense
green fields with an intense agricultural
activity, world in the fields and even of
the tractors. We are in a zone which was
irrigated there is a score of years. Everywhere
spray swivels and bars. Contrast between
the two with dimensions ones of the road
is seizing. At the end of the afternoon
whereas the sun declines, we have the surprise
to see falling a small downpour with a beginning
from rainbow. The event in this arid and
desert area is rare. We again cross green
and inhabited valleys then again of the
deserts. We arrive at Tacna towards 21h,
there are still many people in the streets.
The market is still in activity with many
barges. We arrive finally close to the Chilean
border, but we are not at the end of our
sorrows. Because before leaving Peru the
Peruvian customs make an anti-drug control.
We are all the more excavated that we wanted
to double the file of cars which were in
front of us and who awaited their turn wisely.
With not making more! In more of control
a customs officer says to us that we did
not fill ad hoc papers at the preceding
border, Geoffroy and Loïc explains
why if. Finally it will be necessary to
await the return of the chief who has just
left to dine.
from January 23 at February 5, 2004 written
by Tanguy de La Tullaye
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