When have you decided to leave?
The idea to make a turn of the world did not
come to us the day at the following day. However
we have really to decide to leave on May 1, 2002.
Can be that the famous saying is there for something
"In May does what it you plait
this was can be the fresh air of spring and the
buds in the trees. Who knows?
How much have you bought your car?
Thanks to the generosity of a pastrycook of Compiegne
to the retirement, Mr Moreau, we bought our superb
Acadyane at a completely attractive price, 800
How much e-mail sent to prepare this
The fact that the mall presents many advantages
on the traditional mail that it is not very expensive,
instantaneous, and that it avoids displacement
and the strikes makes that we misused it. Over
7 months of intense preparation we sent 4000 malls,
without counting the sending of more than 100
plates (of presentation of our project) by the
post office.