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Let sing the water which sings

To inform and educate

The Nile
Like wrote Hérodote, "Egypt is a gift of the Nile".
The Nile crosses Egypt right through, and irrigates a fertile valley which covers 33000 km² (surface of Belgium) is less than 4% of the million Km² of surface of the country.
Famous in the past for its spectacular risings as well destroying as saving (that irrigated all the valley and brought the fertile silt), the Nile is dyed today never again of red during the rain season. Indeed, its flow is controlled by the stopping of Aswan which ensures the river a constant flow upstream even for the periods of great dryness (Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Erythrée, Tanzania, Uganda, Congo, Rwanda, Burundi).
In Egypt, the Nile does not receive any contribution of water, the country is in fact a large desert crossed by a giant river.
90% of the population (66.900.000 inhabitants) live along this thin fertile band finishing in an immense delta which has a maritime face of 250 km.

The Nile and Egyptians = agriculture
Agriculture occupies 51% of the working population, it is still the spinal column of Egyptian industry.
Under Nasser, the grounds were redistributed, with the result that each fellah (farmer) has on average ½ hectares of irrigated grounds.
On these grounds, they are able to carry out two, even three harvests per annum thanks to the irrigation and with the fertility of the silts which were deposited by the Nile with the court of the centuries of raw having preceded construction by the stopping of Aswan.
The first production of the country is cotton, follow the cane to sugar, corn, rice and the corn (whose production increases in order to arrive at self-sufficiency).

Always Pharaonic projects
To increase cultivable surfaces, president Mubarak (since 22 years) launched several programs of irrigations whose Toshka (close of Abu Simbel in the south of the country to 40 km of the border with Sudan) is without any most spectacular doubt.
He will make it possible to irrigate 500 000 ha with a channel of 320 km Toshka to the lake Nasser.
Water pumped in the lake Nasser (25 million m3/day), it is the greatest station of the pumping of the world. Channel and pumping finished in 2001. Cost: 1,3 billion euro.

The school where we understood the importance of water and included tin children's education
The school Naguib Mahfouz is a French-speaking experimental school. The project of this school was conceived by the Egyptian government. In order to help the school, France detaches a person full-time to train the professors.
The school is directed by the dynamics Fawzya Mohamed Mitwally which very nicely allowed us to meet the pupils and the professors working specifically on the topic of water.
Among them, the assistant director and the professor of science presented the child work to us. Among them, luckiest went to the International Crossroads of the messengers of water.
Here the charter that all the children of the world worked out there.

The charter of water
- a fundamental need for the LIFE,
- a common inheritance for all the beings,
- a threatened natural richness,
- a resource unequally accessible and distributed.
Present in all the religions and all the myths, inspirer of the artists, bienfaitrice, magic, water welds the communities and connects the men.
Water lives in us and around us.
Let us be conscious of its rights. It must remain allied.

In "school space", you will be able to appreciate the drawings which the Egyptian children carried out for water, the poem like two recommendations for the safeguarding of water.

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The channel of the project of Toshka valley

On left, the director surrounded of the children having taken part in the crossroads and the professors concerned with water

Mohamed fustigates the tourists who waste the water of the Egyptians. Even if if certain tourists are not very respectful, the Egyptians them-even are large spendthrift

Mined more lucid on the real persons in charge wants to educate the population then to punish the contraveners

The water drudgery for the women. Occasions to leave and meet other women?

The hand of the Nile, for the moment the Nile suffers but there is hope, some fingers are happy

Aswan is a city invaded by the tourists arriving by boat. The children believe them responsible for the water pollution

Here a beautiful illustration of the luxuriance of the banks of the Nile thanks to the irrigation

Marine rents water through this marvellous poem. To diffuse widely!

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