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Face of water

Melt national of Productive and Social investment (FPS) :
Discussion with Marina Dockweiler, specialist into medical basic.

Hydrotour : Can you present to us in two words the FPS ?
Marina Dockweiler : The FPS is a governmental entity which channels the monetary resources coming from the other countries and which is given the responsability to invest them in Bolivia. We occupy ourselves exclusively of the villages of less than 10 000 inhabitants and we apply the popular law of participation. I.e., that in a sector where they have vital needs, the population created a file and solicits the municipal governments which themselves solicit us.

H : What represents the sector of water for you?
MD : It is to tell the truth the only one which I know here since it is for this department of the FPS that I work. I know that 2003 were issued international year of fresh water, after the tops of Johannesburg and Kyoto. It is within this framework that the government decided to give a great blow of collar for water. We thus requested all the international authorities and we received Inter-American Bank of Development a loan of 56 million dollars. 39 million will be invested directly in projects of water and medical. The remainder will be used to reinforce the sector of the water of the ministry, the prefectures and the municipalities (installation of standards and projects of communications).
On the 39 million dollars, 32 million will be directly used for the infrastructures and the remainder for the social accompaniment (sensitizing).

"the rural community is not profitable"

H : Why confine itself at the village of less than 10 000 inhabitants ?
MD : There is another governmental entity like ours, but which is directed towards the urban populations, whereas we are directed towards the rural populations. They receive also assistances of various institutions.
The principal reason of the existence of these two entities, it is that a urban community does not have the same needs as a rural community. Moreover, the rural community is not profitable. To install a system of collecting, treatment and distribution of water in a village is always done at a loss, one thus needs a more consequent state aid.

H : Can you recall us briefly how articulates a project?
MD :
1. Medical education;
2. Sensitizing for the use of water;
3. Development of a tariff and especially explanation of which pays, when and why;
4. Formation with the maintenance of the system;
5. Constitution of a committee of administration of the system.

Social migration

H : About tariff construction, which kinds of problems do you meet ?
MD : We always build our projects in the simplest possible way, by preferring the gravitating distribution rather than by pump, etc... the tariff is thus low possible and covers the remuneration of the employees. But it is not obvious because Bolivia has a characteristic: social migration.
It acts of the migration of the workers, according to seasons', in the zones where they can find work. They are thus downtown except at the time of sowing, harvests or the festivals. Remain in the villages only the old children and people who do not have money to pay.

H : It is thus impossible to cover all the expenditure ?
MD : It would be without counting Bolivian ingeniousness (to laugh). We developed a cyclic system of tariff which adapts to each village according to the activities of its inhabitants and their seasonal migrations.

"We will be able to cover 100% of the villages of the country"

H : Which prospects for water in the campaigns in Bolivia ?
MD : We are rather proud since with the loan of the BID (International Bank of Development) we will feed out of water 635 000 people is more or less 900 villages and this for 2005. Us should also receive before long a gift of the European Union of an amount of 40 million Euro which will enable us to cover 100% of the villages of the country. At the time of the constitution of the files for the loan of the BID we had received 1400 files, they all will thus be treated with these two money sums.

H : To finish on this good news, can you tell us a word for the children and your vision of water in the durable development ?
MD : Water it is the life, phrases which all the more takes direction in a country in the process of development like ours.
It is thus necessary to profit and use water so as not to compromise the use of the future generations, and thus to think of the future generations.

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Marina Dockweiler from FPS

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