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Album 13 - Sudan: Departure for Chad, Kosti, El Obeid, In Nahoud, Ghubeish

The town of Kosti on left bank of the Nile to 300 km in the south of Khartoum. We spent there one night in the guest-house of an ONG.

Small pause lunch between Kosti and El Obeid.

First and last mountain before savanna.

100 km after El Obeid, the road out of macadam end. With the alarm clock the Sudaneses advise us to make half-turn and take to us for the insane ones.

Truck transporting up to 32 tons of materials on the battered tracks. They are the only ones to make the connection between the capital and savanna.

Adrienne making balance on the track of the trucks. This day there we défoncons a wing on the edges of the track.

Adrienne plays hide-and-seek with us. It was not hard to find it.

A chameleon who is obstinated to want to take the same colour as Adrienne. It is not won!

Adrienne, us and a centenary baobab tree.

Morning wake up in full bush. The day before we had lost ourselves while leading of night. We are it still during the photograph.

Small photo pause with the sun in background.

Tired, the old tree is pressed on the ground.

Adrienne confronted with the law of savanna.
Caution, a tall grass can in hiding larger.

Pinpon, pinpon ! Direction the village nearest .

Head of Geoffroy borrows on parre-breaks.

We divide the Breakfast (rupture of the jeûn) with our Moslem friends of Sudatel little after the sunset.

A street of Ghubeish, the animals melts part of the decorationr.

Women selling of the locusts pilgrims, large shrimps would be said. Promised, one did not gouté there in spite of their enticing proposals.

Our camping at Sudatel. First Sudanese telephone operator, who just accomodated us after the accident.

Our last photograph in company of Adrienne and the happy receivers. It is nevertheless beautiful this small, especially with its new nose.

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Realisation Laure-Anne de Moncuit &
