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Album 14 - Brazil: Visit of an orphanage and Favela of Sao Paulo.

Visit of an orphanage in the suburbs of Sao Paulo. It was the day of the handing-over of the Christmas presents by the Citroen collaborators with their godsons of adoption.

Before the handing-over of the gifts, one explains the direction of the festival of Christmas, follow-up of a spectacle which the children prepared for their godfathers of adoption. "Native Feliz" (Portuguese Merry Christmas).

It is the opening hour of the gifts...

Had you that! Look at, me, I had that !

Me I flownder, I make bubbles....

One of the Citroen collaborators with his goddaughter. A few shared moments of happiness.

Eyes full with mischievousness of a small girl coldly made up of the orphanage.

The entry of a house in a favela of Sao Paulo (Large Laying central communitrio, Divina Providencia).

A child have just received a kite. Presently, it will fly in the sky of Sao Paulo.

In the disadvantaged mediums, such as the favelas, the kite impassions the large ones like the small ones. Often, they finish on the electric files like here.

Not much of intimacy in the favelas, the linen dries where there are place and wind, in edge of road...



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© Hydrotour 2003

Realisation Laure-Anne de Moncuit &
