Monday 09/29/03 - "If it is too heavy,
it will run !"
We spent the afternoon to the port.
Announced departure of the boat 16h. We
arrive in front of the customs at late 13h00
"" according to the guard. In
one hour we ready, are plugged, validated,
officially left Egypt.
In the port it is the bump. Since 8h00 of
the morning a noria of trucks charged to
block flows in the boat. All these mountains
with four wheels threaten to create an avalanche
with the least sudden start. And what was
to arrive arrived. In a turning, a mountain
awakes and vomits an avalanche of chairs,
plates and cases in any kind.
The boat is a ferry to which a barge is
assistant. One is clearly done to transport
only passengers, the other to transport
only cars. One like the other will be transformed
into cargo liner.
With cases are there charged with back with
Men or ants besides? I do not know! One
needs sometimes five people to raise a bag
in fabric and to put it on the back of only
one man.
Towards 21h00, the barge is full, us are
designated places between mountains of cases
and bags piled up. For Adrienne, and three
for Land-rover.
It grows dark, the quay is inclined (it
is in fact a slope of setting to water)
and they want that we go up on the barge
without slope!
Then begin a whole horse-gear to bring the
barge closer to the edge and to decrease
walk between the pontoon and the ground.
We realize that if that does not pose any
problem for the Land-rover, that will pose
some for Acadyane.
The first Land goes up on board at ease.
For lack of place, they are obliged to make
a half-turn with the barge to position the
2nd site on the same level as the quay.
During the operation, a small shock causes
another avalanche of cases landing directly
with water. They realize too late that it
is to better fix the loading before making
other operations. Benefitting from this
respite, some unhappy plunges to water to
try to recover their cases which run. In
order to help them let us light we them
with the headlights of Adrienne.
2nd and 3rd Land on board without aucuns
problems. When the turn of Adrienne Arrives,
the barge is too high, they decide to make
a new half-turn. But that does not arrange
anything. Begin an intense reflexion then.
One tests with bags of manure as a bridge,
but the bags tear under our tires.
To undoubtedly reassure us, that which makes
mine be responsible leaves us very seriously:
"you do not worry, I know my trade,
that made 20 years that I do it".
"Hum, hum, my good Mister after all
these catastrophes I would be done very
Suddenly a smarter guy remembers than with
a few meters of us, in water, is a steel
slope envisaged for this purpose. It was
its magic boot.
"could not You have said it rather,
that would have to avoid the 2 half-turns
and an avalanche? He is where the guy who
knows his trade?? Two slaps yes!!"
Ouf! With 22h00 one is on board. The loading
of the ship also finishes him, there is
Who directs the operations? Who is paid
to do what? With which belongs these cases
and these bags containing of the fruits,
of the juices, the objects of furnishing
and decoration, of the carpets, fabrics
finally of all? And Which knows to which
belongs what?
One will never know! I believe that my pal
Fabrice specialist in logistics would have
many things to learn here.
All is well, it is 23h, we have only 7h
The boat is a truth capharnaüm, it
pitches with starboard, but fleet. Provided
that that lasts!
At the interior like outside, any displacement
is a course of the combatant, between the
cases, the fruits, the bags, the people
lengthened by ground and those which prepare
the meal of their family. Hold a refrigerator!
Oh but it bathes in water! No panic it is
not a hole in the hull, it is right an escape
which floods all the gangway.
After a rather average dinner, we seek a
place to sleep, our ticket of second gives
us access to a vast room resembling inside
a bus with benches out of wooden. But there
is no more place, there are businesses everywhere
and the people lengthened on all the benches.
To the higher bridge, we cross the cockpit
to return to us outside. Among all the cases
and limp them of preserves, whose certain
openings release already a nauseous odor,
we spare a small place for our campbeds.
Tuesday 09/30/03 - Water, always water.
Today we continue the presentations with
the Anglo-Saxons owners of the Land-rover.
After 300 km out of fresh water, we arrive
towards 18h at Wadi Halfa and we remain
blocked 1h in the boat for the passport.
Here they seem more tested than the Egyptians
and they immediately will seek disembarkation
As by chance, on the quay right in front
of Adrienne, there is rambarde of safety.
"No problem", to four, they twist
it and plate it against the ground, as that
it will not obstruct any more
After a dinner in the customs with English,
we sleep on the spot.
Wednesday 10/01/03 - The black is a
color and it is that of the nobility.
The Anglo-Saxons are charming and invite
us to travel with them.
They are in Land Rover 109 and 110 Discovery.
They have the tent on the roof, the shower,
the compressor, the filter water, a ton
of tools and spare parts (the air of nothing
that breaks these monsters all the time),
in short the total one.
There are Emma and Jasper, couple English
of Kent of 29 and 32 years.
South-African Sarah and Peter, English living
in London of 32 and 35 years.
And finally Padraig (to pronounce porik),
the 32 year old Irish.
They descend all worms South Africa in several
To reduce us Peter and Sarah propose to
take our back bags (2x20kg).
No the road, just a track. Total surprise
we discover sand, stones, holes.... All
that we want to have, a little for saying
that one is z' hero, us too. Except that
in more there is corrugated iron, and that,
it is the horror.
The corrugated sheet they is every 40 cm,
a back of 20 height cm ass.
Fortunately the landscape is imposing. All
that there is of simpler. And yet, on the
ground, a fine layer of black fine gravels
gives to this desert a majestic pace. For
Portuguese the black is a color, that of
the nobility. Here we can see at which point
they are right.
The Land-rover that we follow raises a cloud
of dust which is transformed into a gold
veil illuminated by the twilight.
Thursday 10/02/03 - Sand, mountains
and still not the Nile.
The following day, we tackle the raising
of the car. It is easy, it is enough to
screw an axis. On the other hand without
the councils of my two appointed engineers
(Padraig and Jasper), I would have done
it with back. We nevertheless spend there
three hours because of rust, the difficult
access and especially of the wind which
projects us sand in the figure. Geoffroy
during this time repairs a tire with Padraig.
We set out again towards 14h for 75km. Which
happiness, we do not hang any more.
With each stage, we catch up with German
with bicycle and we camp with them. They
also put their bags in a Land because the
progression à.vélo on soft
sand and corrugated sheet is very difficult.
This evening we camp in the medium of a
plain surrounded of mountains resembling
injuries in black. Full with courage we
attack one of them in order to admire to
lay down it sun with 300m of altitude. Enièmes
lying of sun, énièmes amazements,
all the desert blazes up. Alas, we do not
see the Nile yet that we left in Wadi. It
start we to miss the rascal.
Friday 10/03/03 - Meet Sudanese men
and women.
Still 75km. This day there, we join the
Nile and let us take we our 1st bath there.
We dreamed some in Egypt but without daring
it. And we were well inspired, because in
Egypt it is infested by the bilharziose.
Here, there are only crocodiles.
As we left the desert, they is also our
first exchanges with the Sudaneses. And
they are charming. Attracted by our cars,
they want absolutely to attend the daily
unpacking of all the material (computer,
camera, canteen, stove, tables, chairs,
tents and I pass from there...).
But when they see that we will prepare our
dinner, oldest orders with everyone to be
withdrawn. What they do immediately. What
a discretion!
We see also the first Sudanese women of
near. They are superb, fine, the white teeth
and the bright smile. They wear flowered
dresses to the bright colors and coloured
transparent veils
But they carry also their cross.
98% of the Moslem women of Sudan (mainly
in the northern half where we are) undergo
the Pharaonic excision (also called the
large excision) then the infibulation. In
two words, one cuts all, clitoris and lips,
and one to them recoud to leave a small
opening for the vital needs and the reproduction
(I would not dare speech of sexual relations!).
They are only 5 years old when, under deplorable
conditions of hygiene, their family transforms
them of woman into layer. Total negation
of femininity. It is a contemptible tribal
rite which is not connected to Islam. I
do not include/understand it and I feel
much compassion for all these women thus
treated, since I know, I consider them differently.
Saturday 10/04/03 - Meet with the Chick
Before leaving, we discharged our detergent.
Brilliant invention that these plastic barrels
on the roof of the Land which stir up the
linen at the rate/rhythm of the road, after
it does not have there any more but to rinse.
That is there! We go up the Nile, his color
changed, it is not more translucent as in
Assouan, it is maroon, almost red.
Miracle of the Nile source of life, the
track changes. It ressuscite and is consequently
marked out coloured houses. They are colors
sharp, red bricks, blue, sometimes gray
and often framed by a white edging.
They are very of an impeccable cleanliness,
like new. Of full foot, they are built in
cob and surrounded of wall and they organize
themselves around a small court where all
the life of the family proceeds.
Around fourteen hours, we arrive in the
village of Shelter, after some races, we
are directed towards the police station
which must record us.
There, a blonde with the large braids attacks
us: "hold veiled of French". On
this Geoffroy answers: "hold veiled
Chick". Sheer coincidence, in full
medium of Sudan, in the police station of
a small village, we find ourselves nose
with nose with Alexandre and Sonia Poussin.
We for a long time know them of famous,
because Alexandre and his friend Sylvain
Tesson already made a turn of the world
en.vélo. In more we have a joint
friend and I was myself in 6th with Stanislas,
the little brother of Alexandre.
For three years, they have gone up the African
rift with foot. From the Cape of Good Hope
to the Lake Tibériade. Three years
of walk, meetings, photographs, articles
and two books. What a courage and what a
kindness! They are only smiles. They are
adventurers, truths, we dreamed to meet
them randomly road.
To celebrate that they decide to pass the
evening with us. And as Sonia has just been
32 years old, we improvise a festival. Padraig
prepared us an adapted feast of an exquisite
sauce containing feta, rocket, curry and
a little sugar.
The printing miniature color of the cook
of the day (when I say to you that they
have all!!) us allows to publish a greetings
card. To marble and Emma, they prepared
pudding. We had the candles. All was perfect
in the beautiful medium of nowhere.
As known as my friend Ivy "one never
should leave emmerder by the ground"
and our Anglo-Saxon friends included/understood
it well.
Sunday 10/05/03 - In Sudan nothing again.
This morning, German leaves later, they
benefit from the pipes which Alex and Sonia
can give them since they make the same way
but in the other direction.
This day there, we will make only one forty
km. We pestons a little to trail us at their
speed but if the Land-rover are a safety
for them, they are it also for us.
Monday 10/06/03 - Opening a gear box
at the edge of a track.
This morning, average to change gear, we
are blocked in 1st or reverse gear.
After 5 km in maximum first with 10km/h
we are wearied to hear the engine which
mouth and to see the Lands trailing itself
because of us. We try to pass the 2nd and
that functions. To half relieved, we roll
all the day in 2nd with some funny episodes
where Geoffroy is obliged to jump out of
the car so that we do not remain not stuck
in sand. At the time of a stop, we are invited
at a villager. He offers water to us, the
tea and his life tells us. It worked 25
years in Dubai as accountant and it "hopes
well" to go back there after having
found a woman beautiful and intelligent
(it can always run the only one which exists
is to Vietnam...).
It also explains us why water that we see
all along the road in ground earthenware
jars is treated with a lime spoon extracted
not far from here. After a shower, we regale
ourselves with a meal had of crepes to corn,
fayots and meats.
Along the Nile, the inhabitants have almost
all running water thanks to water towers
directly supplied with the Nile These Nubians
are very clean, in each house, there is
a shower and they divide the toilets between
several houses. The men are often vêtus
of immaculate white, which is really not
obvious with the omnipresence of sand and
dust. Some wrap the head of long white turban
a 4 m, rather fine and more or less embroidered
according to the social status.
In order to throw a glance in the gear box
we earlier stop this evening. Since we are
assisted by Jasper, we can thus leave the
tools and open the cap. For once we make
another thing that to look at the engine...
Before even opening we notice that the gear
box functions again without problems, but
despite everything, we want to include/understand.
Two meter from us ten young people gathered,
squatted in arc of circle. Silently, concentrated,
they look at us. As if something of fantastic
were going to leave the engine. Not to disappoint
them I takes an air of professional very
to study. The poor, if they knew as their
professor is neu neu...
With fallen the day, the box is open, but
impossible to see what does not go.
Tuesday 10/07/03 - Playing to archaeologists.
In the gear box, we notice that all
is perfect. In fact we do not have problems
of box, just a small problem of frame which
It is all bonnement yielding on the level
of the front axle, with the result that
before car goes up with the engine (and
the box) compared to the body of the car
on which the selector speeds is fixed what
blocks our selector.
The problem is confirmed in the course of
the day because our axle touches the body
and our wing before left yields more and
It is panic. When will that all release?
This afternoon, we arrive in a village where
we find a large statue Egyptian reversed
on the ground as well as rupestral engravings
representing of the hiéroglyphes.
These treasures of archaeology intrigue
us much because we have the impression to
be the first white to see them.
We arrive late this evening at Karma. The
city is extended on almost 10 km and we
have much evil to find a place of camp-site.
At the end of the village we fall on a road
where there is a layer of dust of 40cm.
It is incredible! Once more, Geoffroy must
jump of the car to allow me to advance.
He disappears then in the tornado from dust
which I have just created. I do not see
anything any more, I advance with the aveuglette
in this flour, suddenly a break allows me
to stop. Like it grows dark, we decide to
camp there, with 15 or 20m of this reserve
of dust.
This evening, we make the grub. With the
menu, potatos, pastes (there remain only
that). Large cooks, we create a first sauce
with tomato and onions which we raise of
dates, and a second with onions, curry and
For a few days we have used our mosquito
nets, this evening it are used as hiding
place dust... finally one hopes.
Wednesday 10/08/03 - The chassis yields
more and more.
This morning we realize of the amplitude
of the damage on the car when Geoffroy decides
to raise it with two jacks. Like a sheet,
it unfolds and finds its original curve,
the right wings, the low wheel (because
the wheel goes up in the cockpit), the gear
box to the good height, etc...
What will it occur when that will break?
It is a little the stress, but we are hardly
with 20km of Dongola, city more than thousand-year-old
and first large agglomeration of our course.
After these some small technical checks
(of what to sap you the moral one in less
than two), we move towards the ferry...
finally the boat which must enable us to
go on left bank.
In fact of ferry it is acted of a simple
barge being able to contain only 4 cars.
However a gugusse already preceded us. Only
two Lands and Adrienne can go up on board
with about fifteen people and two beds (yes
you read well, two beds like that...)
The barge, is hung there by a simple cable
with the bank. The approach ramp is a way
dug in the ground. Cost of the passage 1000
dinars (4$), but for the moment there is
a mechanical problem. The driver is thus
taking a tea. He is hardly younger than
me. He has more the air of a kid in tennis
shoes than of an acrobat taking along his
iron board been driven by an engine on other
side of a river to the course made dark
and furious by the rain season. Two Rover
Lands of 3,5T on a side, small Mitsubishi
of 1,5T of the other and Acadyane in front.
Ca it is balancing! Although we are usual
practice, that panics us always as much.
Once at water, my young person in tennis
shoes proves to be a virtuoso of the bar.
In 15 minutes, it projects us in an arm
of the river, skirts very close an island
and is thrown in the giant flow of the Nile
Ouf! It was not Styx, we are other side
healthy and safe.
In Dongola we change some dollars with the
black to buy gasoline and we take a dinner
made up of fayots. Then we set out again
for 10 km on a road in tarmac towards Khartoum.
It is the end of the anguishes the road
is beautiful.
Thursday 10/09/03 - End of anguishes
It is the day of the good-byes with German
who does not need more assistance. It is
10h, we hope to arrive to Khartoum this
evening on this good tar road.
Dream my hen! 500m further it is again of
the track, and one of worst.
An underhand track which recalls me with
horror my beginnings in ski touring. You
know these two deep grooves in the ground.
No the problem a priori, you are guided
by the ground. Except when the preceding
catch decided to fall into snow by leaving
a large hole or when an obstacle: hone,
puddle pool... embarrassment your progression.
Moreover, for Adrienne which is short on
leg (bus twisted into two), it is as if
it had the crotch which rubbed the track.
In order to prevent that our chouchoute
is transformed into sand and stone reaping-machine,
we must put at horse on one grooves, on
the right or on the left according to affinities'.
Sometimes there are only traces. The traces,
they is cool, it is flat, one has thus the
choice to go where one wants and to avoid
the quite visible stones, even if it is
soft sand, Adrienne leaves itself there
very well.
Worse how sand, dust! As so inadvertently
the last truck of flour or cement passed
by there had lost its loading in a hole.
On this surface, Adrienne is a champion,
it slips and disappears in a majestic cloud
which it swallows also dry with the great
pleasure of its occupants.
It is thus with small pace that we advance
towards Abu Dom (where begins the true macadam
road, we are sure... finally... almost).
We cross one méharée of dromedaries
going to Egypt by left bank of the Nile
Friand of meat of dromedaries the Egyptians
massively import them of Sudan. It this
is méharée or the preceding
one which Sonia and Alexandre have of taking
to pass the border.
With 40 terminals of Abu Dom, we stop to
camp, after a quiet dinner, we decide that
we will leave the following day to 7h00.
Ten minutes before lying down a sandstorm
as sudden as violent lets to us forecast
a long night with beautiful star.
Friday 10/10/03 - If it did not arrive
Departure 7h00. Every morning it is the
same thing the car appears lower to us.
After 2 hours of road, the wheels rub so
much the body which we decide to give up
20kg boards drink some which were used to
us as diagrid when we sleep in the car.
To gain even more weight, we separate and
Geoffroy goes up in the Land of Padraig.
We are really afraid, the road is full of
corrugated iron, with holes and stones.
It is necessary that it holds... He is necessary
that it holds!
The Anglo-Saxons show themselves very patient
and they promise to us to bring ourselves
in even if it means Khartoum to divide the
car in two and to charge it on their Lands.
But a strange impression tortures us the
belly, an anguish, the anguish not to arrive
at Gabon and that all becomes complicated.
To go one sinks!
Towards 13h we arrive at Abu Dom. Of the
tar, a road, did not believe we in it more.
On how much km?
Ouf, it will hold, I am sure! It must hold!
Full with Geoffroy courage, which had already
replaced me, decidedecides to only do everything
without stopping.
Arrived to Khartoum, the first and the reverse
gear do not function any more, the turning
radius is 20 Mr. Tout bathes!
This day will be nevertheless fantastic
because we arrived to Khartoum, because
we could for a long time drink our first
fresh soda and which we met of other guardian
One of them was badgered by Geoffroy with
the sight of his plate CD. It is that it
is the Vice-consul of France. He initially
will explain us how to receive money of
France (there is no distributor here) and
to then to lend 200$ of his pocket us while
waiting for the transfer of Paris.
The other good news it is our visit in the
White Father Etienne Renaud, director of
the catholic institute of language of Khartoum
and the reception cordial that Gabriel holds
for us in his absence.
Newspaper of September 29
to October 10, 2003 by Loïc
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