Passage in customs
A large hall.
It resounds.
A soldier, or can be a customs officer.
Finally a man in green, comes to speak to
The black moustache and hair, teeth yellowed
by the excess of subdued and cigarettes,
it assoit on the bench where I await Geoffroy
who pays the customs duties.
- "Where are you going?"
On this question, I leave a small plan my
pocket and I show him France, then, country
by country, our way to Cameroun, South America
and Asia.
It believes in it with difficulty.
- "With this bus?"
- "Yes, yes, to Cameroun..."
- "and?"
"Afterwards!" And I him MIME with
my two fingers a man who walks.
Then it types me on the thigh, smiles me
and only leaves me.
A few moments after, on a nearby bench,
I intend it to describe my way: "one
year" says it in Arabic by making a
gesture with its index!
The others do not pay attention. But, gradually,
while I observe a nest perched on a standard
lamp of the hall, I intend them to say "French"
by showing the car of the finger.
He look at me, smiles me and sends a candy
to me that I hasten to swallow. Alas, it
is a chewing-gum. But not with mint. Not!
Rather with nicotine, moreover perhaps this
is a nicorette. I sink in the car to discreetly
substitute it for a normal chewing-gum.
Not to upset susceptibilities.
Here, it is Arabia. I do not know. Different
gestures. For example, a man in uniform
holds the hand of his interlocutor out of
jean, like children.
They speak. I enrage as usual because I
do not understand their language.
The cars are there, in front of me. They
await the open trunk.
My new friend takes the 100 steps.
Make an attempt...
As everywhere, time is rythmé by
ringings of GSM.
Agitation fell down a little in the hall.
A few moments ago, a group of customs officers
was around two tourists of which a woman
fair, young person, very pretty, which explains
the reason this assembly.
Geoffroy returns, I must fill a paper. While
negotiating, it comes to divide by two the
60 Euro which one was normally to pay for
the insurance and the right-of-way.
It sets out again.
The tone goes up opposite me, I do not include/understand
Many gestures. Then more nothing. Ah if!
An alcohol bottle hidden in a plastic bag,
circulates between the owner of the excavated
car and the customs officer, and disappears
in an office. The things are arranged like
Not, not yet! The other passenger has also
a problem.
It is not serious, another customs officer
receives a quill of Turkish beer 5L, which
it will put quickly, but in front of everyone,
in its car parked not far from there.
Ca is there, they can leave.
On the walls of the inscriptions as tagées
by a young person at his lost hours. I always
do not include/understand anything.
These, in uniforms, start to ignite a pipe
with water.
Carry claquent.
Ca resounds.
Noise of horn, shooting off. I believed
insane French in the wheel. In fact it of
it is nothing, we are wise, among wisest
of the countries which we crossed.
The flags float in the wind, Geoffroy delays.
A last signature on the triptych of this
Turk which waits and it can leave. Without
turning the head and with ease, it tightens
a ticket. My new friend questions it, the
Turk is turned over known as some words
then continues his race. The ticket, it,
already disappeared in a pocket. Ca must
be normal here.
They do not make large-thing in this hall,
too many, one does not know who is which,
and which does what. They go from left on
the right and pass by again in the other
direction, look at Adrienne by shaking the
head, show it finger and speak.
It is shaken, one pianote above like ensuring
itself of the quality of this case of resonance,
because such a fine sheet cannot be a case
of car. For them, it resembles a joke too
Geoffroy returns.
Our excavation carried out by my new pal
is rather summary. We leave.
The reception
"Everyone is bilingual here!"
"C you speak English?" "Yes!
Where are you from?" "We are from
France." "Very good, welcome to
Syria!"-"Tea?" "Oh yes
with pleasure." One smiles oneself,
one assoit around a table on a chair, or
in circle on a straw mattress. Then, in
our more beautiful English, one begins our
great tirade to describe our turn of the
world, the pupils who follow us, Internet...
Médusés our interlocutors
listen to us patiently and punctuate our
monologue by cordial "a Welcome to
Syra", Surpris, Geoffroy questions
me glance: "euh... you believe that
they included/understood?" One redemande,
much less on us: "C you speak english?"
The answer is clear, the index stuck to
the inch they answer "shouaï"
(what wants to say "a chouya",
finally "at all" even). Such an
amount of worse the tone is launched, we
know whereas our interlocutors offer the
tea to us right by pleasure of offering
something. The pleasure is in a shared smile,
in a word exchanged with a foreigner.
Here, the distractions are rare, people
never travel apart from their country, even
of their city. A traveller is the occasion
to see other heads, to include/understand
other things and to make divide his daily
newspaper. After, it is simple for us to
leave some words, drawn from the Neos guide,
to ask details on the family of our hosts,
their names, their ages; to leave a small
chart to show our way; of speaking about
Adrienne while tapping gently above to show
that it is liked.
"Fans of foreign politics"
Chirac! Ah Chirac! It is undoubtedly one
of the most known characters of the Arab
world. There low, nobody is not unaware
of the name of the famous leader of the
camp anti-war, president of French in addition.
And us French or Belgian, let us know us
to it name of the presidents Lebanese, Syrian
or of the Jordanian king? Whether it is
liked it or that it is not liked, Chirac
and her foreign politics opened to us many
doors. Once the finished tea, our hosts
easily lets to us leave, they understand
that our road is long and besides they spoke
to us, they are thus content. Once, in Syria,
in top of a mountain where we had come to
admire the sight and to direct us, we fell,
by chance, on a place of pilgrimage of a
branch of Islam: Alalaoiines. Many families
of this area of Krak of the Knights, in
the North-West of Syria, emigrated in Argentina
in the years 1920 following religious fights.
One of these families, returned with the
country there is a score of years, accomodates
us in Spanish and one offers to us subdued,
then a meal made up of chickens cut the
throat of on the spot in offering with the
Saleh prophet and rice cooked in the grease
of sheep. Two weeks later, Cynthia, one
of the girls of the family, will be our
guide in Damas, while his/her Rim sister,
will allow us to have an article in Syrian
And to sleep!
Another cousin family of the first, but
of very modest medium (9 children), will
offer the lodging for the night to us.
In Lebanon, it is the family of Jean Doummar
who will receive us like kings. As of our
arrival in Beirut, Jean goes démener
to find us a hotel of luxury which it will
offer to us during all our stay. It is for
this reason that we put the company Doummar
brothers in the list of our partners.
Nonglad to receive us Jean kind made us
spend one weekend of dream with its beautiful-family
in the private village more closed of Lebanon:
To help you at all costs!
The reception appears all the time in the
Arab countries. Everyone wants to help you,
often wrongly and through.
We thus became experts to detect if our
interlocutor knows really the way. Often
not to disappoint us or not to not say to
us, it sends to us in the bad direction.
It sometimes happened to us to ask for 5
times of continuation our way before falling
on the adorable Syrian who, in his car,
will cross all the city to show us the place
or the way that we seek. When we walk, much
make even a turning to greet us and simply
to tell us "Welcome to Syria".
To the restaurant, all the waiters come
one by bringing something, but especially
exchanging two words with us. Sometimes
inhabitants, to side of which we parked
ourselves, spontaneously come to offer water
to us, a fruit or vegetables.
The recommendations of all the doctors are
clear, especially never not to drink water
which does not leave a sealed bottle and
never not to eat fruits or vegetables which
you did not wash or did not peel yourself.
But there, in this case, to refuse is difficult.
How is doctor made? We do not arrive there
always. For the moment, we had only one
turista, in Lebanon, and our investigations
carry us to believe that it is a small restaurant
which would be the cause.
Veiled, it is that the reception in the
Arab countries, an always opened table,
a place to sleep for all the foreigners
and a smile that one returns you constantly,
finally for the men... but the subject of
the women will be studied in with share
in a forthcoming newspaper.
On a journey one moves much
The voyage is the occasion to meet many
people, to know full with cultures. When
we cross somebody who speaks English, French,
German or Spanish, attacks it to us questions
about the life, the religion, the policy,
the condition of the women, etc... You will
say to me: "and water in all that?"
Ca runs source, we speak about it too.
Often, it is hard to leave a place so much
the meetings are strong. The remainder of
time, we pass it between us to lead or work.
We did not work yet much in the car, we
prefer to admire the landscapes. Then it
is really necessary to be insulated to work,
initially by discretion, not to open our
portable computer in front of everyone,
then because it is hard to render comprehensible
with our hosts whom we have of work.
To eat... and drink
We were full with good resolutions in Europe
and we cooked several times with our mini-stove
of camp-site. But from Turkey we prefer
to buy kebabs or other sandwiches, or to
even go in walked good restaurants. We always
try to hold us with 5 Euro per day and anybody
whom our budget for the 3 meals provides.
In Syria, nothing easier, the standard of
living is low, the prices too. In Lebanon
that proves much more difficult the life
is as expensive there as in France. The
worst, it is when we want to leave to drink
glass with friends, there, the price of
a beer explodes our budget and we must be
satisfied with an unhappy beer for all the
evening (snif...). the Council, if you make
a turn of the world, envisage a good reserve
to have fun the festival (and then also
for the visits who often cost very expensive).
Like us, we had not done it thus transformed
ourselves into ascetics. Fortunately with
Marwan and Leticia, Lebanese and Spanish
met at the time of our second passage in
Syria, we went to visit the marvellous site
of Palmyre in full Syrian desert. Impressive
oasis, built on the ruins of a Romain site,
we spent one night there to beautiful star
to set out again then on Jordan. I say fortunately
bus to Lebanon, because of the accident,
we did not have any more means of transport
and we thus were very disorganized by the
need for going to see the daily advance
of work on the car.
We nevertheless could meet an ONG, the American
University of Beirut, a director of the
Ministry for Water and Electricity and a
journalist who published an article for
us in the East the Day, first French-speaking
daily newspaper of the Middle East. In Syria
our stay was much shorter (2+3 days, against
15 in Lebanon) but we all the same could
meet a journalist of Syrian Times, newspaper
Syrian in English.
And to sleep
To sleep we have several solutions: Initially
the budget allows us one night per week
with 10EUR by anybody in an inn, we did
it in Damas for example, where we slept
for 2,15 Euro per night and anybody on the
roofs of the hotel.
In Beirut we had a hotel **** offered by
our new sponsor: the Lebanese company Doummar
Brothers Then, we have the car in which
we can sleep with the back on the boards
(it is hard like support, but one made there...),
we make it when we are not sure safety of
the area. Finally there remain to us our
campbeds which we use to sleep with beautiful
star as in Palmyre and in all Syria.
The car and the accident
or "For a handle of dollars"
The Syrians roll like the insane ones.
They are the worst. Finally they dispute
the first place with the Lebanese one.
After the border turco-Syrian woman, we
arrive night at Alep, in the north of Syria.
It is the horror, it comes from there from
everywhere, without headlights, respect
of the prohibited directions, fires and
even less of the priorities. That which
hoots longest, most extremely and makes
the most calls of headlights always has
priority. The others can wait. The pedestrians
them have only to make bullfight between
the cars. Enough oddly, all that is done
in the courtesy.
One mouth sometimes, then one smiles the
second according to.
One hoots like insane, then one thanks by
a sign for the hand.
One could have made 200 accidents!
Especially on the motorway, when of night
without headlights preferably, tractors,
trucks, bicycles or travelling objects not
identified go up on the hard shoulder and
encroach even on the tape of right-hand
side to exceed itself. Eh well Not! We did
not even have fixing.
Finally pros what!!! And yet our accident
had we it. Arrived in the hotel that us
Jean Doummar offered, we leave our car (parked
well) in the street and the key with the
carrying one. In the night, it moves it
and on the other side of the just as easily
parked road puts it. The following day,
when we have our breakfast, Aline, the charming
waitress, comes to ask to us whether we
have a Citroen, and invites us to leave
because there is a problem.
In the street we let us not believe of them
our eyes, the car resembles an accordion,
very ready for the guinguette. In a few
seconds it is one year of work which disappears,
a dream which flies away. As the Fountain
would say: "Good-bye WATER, cow, pig,
brooded". We are both to look at the
scene, ready to cry.
"And that the children will say who
follow us, and the sponsors?"
But it is necessary to be seized again!
To call the police force which refuses to
come because it does not have there casualties.
The embassy of France which confirms its
usual inefficiency while sending to us to
And finally the insurer who, also, assure
him his usual incompetence. But which can
help us then well?
Obviously, in this kind of situation nobody
any more speaks neither English, neither
French, nor even Arabic.
The company of bus, it, sends its expert
(a large dishonest person well on....).
Jean Doummar called with the rescue, sends
to it his. Lastly, after 45 minutes, the
director of the hotel arrives, it asks the
company of bus to send his lawyer, gives
two slaps deserved well to the driver and
begins a negotiation to which we do not
include/understand anything. Moreover at
this time, we do not know with whom to make
With the end of the palaver one promises
to us that the car will be repaired with
the expenses of the insurance company before
the expiry of our visa 10 days later.
"And a car of replacement?"
"Hein what, I to speak not French!"
"But two seconds ago you spoke better
than Victor Hugo himself!"
"Hein what?...."
"It is good one included/understood,
breakage you cannard".
This day there one would have to type it
this pseudo lawyer of m.... and to prick
his wallet to him, but that one will not
realize from there that thereafter. Because
the company of bus plays us of dirty tricks.
According to them, we are responsible to
25% and must thus for this reason spend
100 dollars (which will be in fact 125).
A fortune for us! But we do not have the
choice because it refuses to return Adrienne
to us if we do not pay.
In short, here large contrast enters the
Arab reception and the dishonesty of some
billionaires, for a handle of dollars moreover.
Today the car found its look, it is just
a little shorter, it squeaks of everywhere,
does not close more, speeds (1st and reverse
gear) pass very badly, the nose gear wheel
right-hand side is directed towards the
Short all bathes because even if it it claudic
a little, it always rolls.
Newspaper of August 1 at
August 20, 2003 by Loïc
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