The ambassador of Belgium,
which has lodged us for a small week in
its residence in Amman, returned to lowland
for the holidays. Its departure rings the
knell for us, of the last days in the Jordanian
capital. We thus leave Amman Friday August
29, 2 days after my short incursion in France
for the marriage of my older friend of which
I was the witness.
The road that we borrow to go always more
to the South to Aqaba, makes us pass by
places as symbolic systems for us Chrétiens
as the Dead Sea and the fortress of Kérak,
but also, for the pleasure of the eyes,
on sites like Petra and Wadi Rum.
However, our wife with the rafters starts
to show the blow of these kilometers with
repetitions, 10 000 kilometers already from
Paris. It is besides in brass band that
we will pass the bar so much awaited of
the 99 999 kilometers and the 00 000 kilometers.
We do not believe of them our eyes, it is
here in Jordan whereas for much it was not
to cross the Bosphorus. Honest Adrienne!...
It which works so hard, twice as much as
one car 4 cylinders. Also, to open the cap,
to incline towards the engine the serious
air, to move two three hose connections
and to make mine be an expert are not any
more of the sufficient gestures to relieve
its sufferings.
After a short pause on the edges of the
Dead Sea, where we benefit innocently from
the joys of weightlessness, Adrienne falls
in roads. The engine categorically refuses
to take, in the car it is a drying oven,
outside a baker's oven; we sweat like oxen.
Roof of happiness, the battery returns the
heart at the end of 20 minutes.
"Aces salâm ' alaîkum,
Welcome to Jordania"... nous shout
of Arabic, happy to provide to finally come
to help us. For better examining all our
actions, they are organized in circle around
us raising of only one blow the temperature
of 2 additional degrees. We claquons teeth
so much it makes hot and suffocating.
One of them absolutely makes a point of
rendering comprehensible to us by gestures
and an imitation of English, that the 2
CV do not have a secrecy for him... We are
dubitative. The deuch is so rare with the
Not to offend it, but especially, by curiosity,
we let it make. After will all can be have
an artful thrust? Also will succeed where
can be we failed?
Full with good intentions, it is put at
the work, tripotant Adrienne without much
decency for its great age. It will however
quickly be necessary for us to put a term
at its frolicking with our car before the
irrevocable one is not made and to go to
the obviousness, that our new friends do
not know anything with mechanics and even
less to the 2 CV.
It only at the end of 45mn, assisted by
this college of curious is not piled up
around us, that we will come to end from
electric deficiencies from our car. Arrived
at Kérak, we are obnubilated by only
one thing, to find a mechanic sympathetic
in measurement to help us and on which we
can count. It is very right if seat of our
car, we pay attention to the powerful cross
fortress which is drawn up there in front
of us in overhang of the city.
Higher, in the sky, a star takes care on
us, because with the foot of the ramparts
of the city, a Armenian mechanic agrees
without sourciller to give us a blow of
hand. He instinctively puts the ear in the
engine then rectifies himself while indicating
without hesitating the guilty reel of all
our misfortunes. We had taken care to take
of them one with us in our spare parts.
We are saved and can continue without fear
our search of the faces of water. The offusque
mechanic when at the time to leave we want
to pay it: "You know I like France"
says us it in his more beautiful Franglais
"and my brother-in-law lives in Marseilles.
I will thus agree never to make pay a service
rendered to French "
The kindness of this Christian mechanic,
comforts us not to have been able to visit
the cross citadel where sat formerly the
famous Renaud de Châtillon then Saladin.
At Aqaba extenués, dehydrated, the
forces we arrive missing us. Inevitably,
on the road, Adrienne still did us miseries.
Not average to differently start it than
by pushing it... the battery does not take
care any more. But, so much worse, this
time the priority is not any more to occupy
themselves of it, since it can still roll,
but to go to buy the tickets for the boat
which must take us along on banks of the
Sinai in Nuweiba to Egypt.
On paper, the departure is envisaged with
16h30, we will leave in the facts to 21h30,
with dimensions of a crowd of pilgrims to
shaven craniums and the black task on the
face. They are Moslems of return of Mecque.
Intrigued by this black task, we take language
with one of them to know some a little bit
more about the question. We learn that it
is a perpetual hématome with the
successive pressures that they exert on
the ground at the time of the prayer. The
devotion of a Moslem, says us one, is recognized
with this mark of piety.
Other places, other people, other manners,
but always the same problems of motor which
poison us the life. It by pushing Adrienne
like is dératés, under the
amused glance of the passengers, that we
make it return in the ferry. In order to
make up our ridiculous as well as possible,
we launch large smile to everyone, the air
of saying "do not make any you has
the things in hand". But in the content
we pestons to be private to make an entry
triumphing at the wheel over our car.
On the boat, a German couple manages to
comfort us. They are filled with wonder
with the account at our epopee and propose
to us to tractor draw Adrienne with their
4x4 with our arrival with Nuweiba, which
we accept without balking.
During the crossing, I poster in observation
on one of the gangways of the higher bridge
in order to will have fuller knowledge with
these strange people who surround us. Loïc,
as for him, benefits from it to prick a
snooze in the air-conditioned cafeteria
of the first class.
There high, the spectacle is worth the turning.
I realize with amazement which the boat
is stuffed to crack. There are people everywhere,
upright, squatted with Turkish, laid down
or softened. Not a space of free is not
left with the abandonment. The ones sleep
vautrés on the benches containing
the "life-jackets"... the others
pile up and sleep that and there with the
feet of rambardes of protection. Rare are
besides the women who have the privilege
to be able to sleep lengthened on a bench.
Most of the time they fall asleep accurately
with the feet of the bench on which their
husbands whirr. Strange thing aucuns without
exceptions does not take the trouble to
throw their egg refuses and other tomato
cores, with the dustbin or the sea. They
let them floor rot with their feet and fall
asleep above. Result hello odors of the
refuse in decomposition...
On this same bridge, always amazed by what
surrounds me, of Palestinian, truck-drivers
of their state, invite me on their straw
mattress to share the traditional ritual
of the tea and to roast in their company
dry of a completely Egyptian mark, "Cléopatra";
infumable of the remainder. Us lions of
friendship around this tea. They speak to
me about their respective life.
Riad, tell one of them, I that it results
from a family of 17 children. A little astonished
by the figure, I ask to him whether only
one woman is responsible for such a line
or several.
"Two only" answers me it with
With the gleam of its accounts, its life
seems to me attractive. In 1994, full war
of Balkans, it was in Croatia for God knows
which reasons... In 1996, here it is in
Central Asia then in Daghestan. Stupidly,
I did not dare to ask him for the reasons
which justified it to also undertake such
forwardings far from its home port, Palestine.
After a few minutes of silence, it declares
me: "You know among Russian, there
are bad people, the Maffia. Made attention
with you when you go over there... "
I speak to him in my turn about the problems
of Adrienne. The accident in Beirut, the
reel with Kérak and maintaining a
problem of battery. It outlines me a broad
smile and says to me "I know I know
we have you all considering pushing the
car..." We laugh together at our mishaps.
With his comrades, it proposes to put Adrienne
on its semitrailer to repair us. The ferry
sounds the foghorn to announce our arrival
to Nuweiba.
Newspaper of August 21 to
September 2, 2003 by Geoffroy
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