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Face of water

Pantanal, the largest not-coastal marsh of the world

Vast marsh of the center of South America, Pantanal covers a surface of 230 000 Km² (half of France), set out again between Bolivia, Paraguay and Brazil.
At the rain season, from October at March, the rivers of the surrounding highlands flow in Pantanal, thus flooding two thirds of the territory during half of the year. This area located at 2000 km of the Atlantic east only to 100 or 200 m of altitude. It knows an extremely slow fall because it has, like principal way of drainage, only Rio Paraguay (which is thrown in Rio of Plata).
The fauna and the flora of Pantanal are extremely rich with 1700 vegetable species, 650 aviary species, 260 varieties of fish, about fifty reptiles and 80 species of mammals.

A shantytown of Corumbá (Bolivia/Brazil border)
Remunda, 33 years old, and her husband live with their two daughters, Priscilla 11 years old and Viviane 6 years old, in a consolidated hut of 15m². By consolidated one understands that a concrete cover covers the ground and that the walls partly (up to 1 meter) consist of bricks. Beyond they are sheets and boards out of wooden. He is fishing professional and from time to time tourist guide on Rio Paraguay. This year fishing is very difficult because there are few fish and the tourist season is announced bad.
The shantytowns of provinces have more "chance" that those of the large cities, they have the possibility of having a garden where they can live, hang the linen and sometimes to have a kitchen garden.
In appendix of the house a small hut out of wooden acts as toilet. The excrements are collected here in a hole with very the ground. The water reserve of the family is stored in a tank in Eternit under the mimosas of the garden.
Fortunately for the interview the weather is nice, we thus benefit from the garden with all the family, the adults have with them glass of subdued cold with the hand. In rainy weather all this small world piles up in the single part of the hut which counts already a refrigerator tele, and two beds…

If the fact of having a garden is not considered by the inhabitants of the favela a luxury, that to have running water in its house would be one.
To fill the tank, Remunda and his/her husband, use cans of 30 Liters which they fill with the common tap below located their dwelling.
This tap is not "legal" in the direction where they are the inhabitants of the district who them same installed it.
"We steal the water of the city, but the city know it and it is a tolerance of their share".
"They know that with only one tap for several houses we will not waste water".
"They also know that without water we could not live".

Moreover the common one remains recipient in the life of the shantytown, a public awareness campaign was made for the inhabitants of the shantytown concerning the problem of the Dengue.
"They in particular recommended us to cover all the water tanks and to exclusively hold a clean can for the water of consumption".
We were surprised by the joy and the simplicity which emerged from this interview with this family.
Heat helping, Viviane, followed of Priscilla are to go to drink in front of us directly in the tank in Eternit. These natural daily gestures proved that there was still an enormous work to achieve in communication on hygiene. The mother had said to us, two minutes before, that it applied exclusively the recommendations of the commune concerning the use of a can for drinking water... there was in the tank of the larvae of mosquitos (the dengue is transmitted by the mosquitos). When we made the remark with the family of it, they started to laughing.
It is extraordinary to be merry but it is necessary to pay attention to its health.

Rio Negro, Southern Chaco (Paraguay) Ruta 9, Km 177

Here are now several kilometers which we left behind us Pantanal. The area that we whom we cross remainder however wet and strewn with ponds.

"Hold one would not stop to ask them how it lives water daily"
"Bueno, one goes there"
The house in which we return is made trunks of palm tree pushing in abundances in the area. The roof is made same wood, but is differently worked so as to make an interlacing of corrugated the sheet type protecting effectively from the rain.
The family that we meet account 13 members to which add two dead. Only 7 live all the round year here. The others work a little further in the country and return only seldom on their premises. To live, the family has a herd of cows and goats.
Oldest of the children present is 17 years old. She remained near her mother to help it in the tasks of tous.les.jours. It is it, Juana Sanchez, which enough curiously will accomodate us and carry out the maintenance of the beginning until the end. The mother prefers to express herself in Guarani, one of the two national languages, which does not simplify the exchange of information.
There is neither running water here nor electricity, the only means of having water is to go to draw it from the ponds which are neighbourhood. All the houses of the corner undergo the same fate.
"We will seek water as soon as we need some in the pond which is behind the house with a few meters".
"We try to go there to two at a rate of three times per day. The daily consumption of the family is 240 Liters. We do it using seals of 20 Liters ".
"let us drink We it just as it is, without treatment, nor decantation. It is very good and we never had problems ".
In the family there is a small infant of 1 year, which seems seemingly péter health. They looked us with large round eyes, when we asked to them whether they made boil water before giving it to the baby.
"Even for the babies we do not make it boil".
In 1996, the life expectancy in Paraguay was only 65 years old, lowest of all the Latin America!

In this family they do not have toilets either. They make a hole in the ground and are protected from a hut out of wooden. When the hole is full it digs some another a little further (3 or 4 times per annum)
By here, water is only with 1m of depth, the capacity of the hole is thus reduced...
"But with water with this depth why not to dig a well?"
A neighbor who came to join to our interview explains us that since always they drink the water of the ponds and that everyone in the surroundings in fact thus. Like it does not have aucuns problems there, why would they change mode of provisioning?

With the question which water for you represents, Juana initially answered: "Nothing".
Then it reflected and said: "Everyone uses it, it is drunk, it washes, it is used in the kitchen". The neighbor then added: "Without water, nobody can live".
And Juana supplemented by saying "Anybody, NOR NOTHING cannot live".

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The hut of the family of Remunda.
They live there to four

In the neighbors, the greenery improves the framework of life compared to São Paulo

Remunda and Viviane, a joy in life not dissimulated

Viviane on the left and her Priscilla sister

Viviane taken into obvious déli, the water of this tank is not normally intended for drink

House of the South Chaco, all the houses along the road are built on the same type

Clever made tiles of trunks of palm tree cut into two and hollowed out

With the entry of the house the tone is given, here one also lives with deaths

Juana being too timid to pose, his/her little brother Gregorio Augustin thus will reproduce for us a daily gesture

A part of the family and some neighbors.

Last photograph with the hydrotrotters before the departure

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